
7 Important Rules for First Timers Drinking Gin

First Timers Drinking Gin

You’re probably here because you’ve been looking for a new drink to try, and why not start with gin? After all, it’s the most versatile spirit in the world. Gin has an incredibly wide range of flavours thanks to different botanicals and distillation processes, so there’s something out there for everyone. This guide by White Oat Distillery will explain how to find the best gin for your taste preferences and suggest where it should be served—whether that be at a casual dinner party or with friends after work by the beach bar.

A G&T is a good place to start

Gin and tonic are a good place to start. It’s refreshing, low in alcohol, and has just enough of a kick to make you feel like you are drinking something substantial. In fact, when ordering at the bar I would recommend asking for gin and tonic with no garnish (although if you don’t mind a slice of lime or two on the side that’s fine too).

When first starting out, it’s best not to get too fancy—you want to stick with standard drinks that have been tried and tested by many drinkers before you. Gin drinkers can sometimes be a little defensive about their drink of choice so don’t feel like they’ll change their minds on this one!

Order a classic cocktail instead

When you’re first learning about gin, it’s best to stick with classic cocktails. The simple ingredients of these drinks help you understand the different types of gin and how they work together. For example, a martini is made up of just two components: gin and vermouth. If the ratio between them isn’t right, the drink will taste awful. By ordering a martini at an upscale bar where quality ingredients are used, you’ll have access to superior-tasting gins that complement each other better than cheap ones do—and it’s also more likely that they’ll be shaken instead of just stirred (the way professionals do it).

Seek out the best, not the most expensive

You’ve decided that you’re ready to take the leap and start drinking gin, but there are so many options out there. How do you know where to start?

It’s a good idea to seek out high-quality gins that are also priced reasonably. Many brands sell high-quality spirits online or at local liquor stores (if you’re lucky enough to live in an area where they legally sell alcohol), and these products can range from $30-$50 or more per bottle. That might seem like a steep price tag at first glance—but if you find yourself enjoying your new hobby and want to invest some money in it, there are plenty of lower-priced options that may not be as fancy but will still deliver a great taste experience!

The ‘spirit’ of gin should shine, not the alcohol

The ‘spirit’ of gin should shine, not the alcohol. That means that you should be able to taste the botanicals and little else. A good gin will taste smooth and easy to drink, with a light clean taste that isn’t overpowering or too strong.

Stick with tonic water, at least for now

If you’re a gin novice, your best bet is to stick with tonic water—it’s the most versatile mixer out there and can be paired with almost any garnish. You could also use club soda, but if you’re going for a classic gin and tonic, it’s worth it to spring for the real thing.

Another great option is lemon or lime juice (unless you’re using something like Hendricks or Bombay Sapphire). In that case, runny citrus juices are preferable since they’ll blend better into your drink without separating from the gin and making it too watery.

If you’re feeling adventurous and want to step outside of traditional G&Ts, try experimenting with other sour flavours like grapefruit or orange juice; but remember: these should still be mixed with soda water!

Always ask for quality ice

Ice is a key component of making a good cocktail. It must be clean, clear and small enough to melt quickly but not so small as to water down the drink. You can buy ice at your local grocery store or make it yourself using filtered water. If you decide to go the DIY route, consider freezing some of your favourite garnishes in order to add some visual flair to your cocktails!

Get to know your glassware

The first step in appreciating gin is learning how to enjoy it. For this, you’ll need to know your glassware. A good place to start is with the different types of glasses that are traditionally used for gin, such as martini glasses and highball glasses.

There are essentially two groups of glassware: tall and short. Taller glasses tend to hold more liquid than shorter ones do (though not always). In general, a martini glass will hold more than a rocks glass—but they’re both tall! The typical highball holds less than either of these two styles but is taller still with a wide mouth and straight sides; its shape makes it easy for ice cubes and other garnishes to fit inside without spilling over the edges as you pour your drink over them into the glass itself.

The third type of container may seem out of place at first glance: beer mugs! These are great for sipping on any kind of alcohol because their wide mouths make them easy to use even when there are lots going on around them (like during big parties). However, if you want something fancier looking then go ahead and try one out today! We’d love to hear about what happened afterwards too!


In the end, there’s no one way to drink gin. The most important thing is to enjoy it—and if you want something with a little less bite than your usual whiskey or rum, then give gin a try. It has been around for centuries and will continue to be around for many more years to come!

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