
Divorce? We’ll Guide You Through the Process


If you’re planning on filing for divorce in Orange County, California, there’s no need to go at it alone. Family law lawyers and divorce lawyers are here to help with all aspects of your case. From petitioning the court to protect your interests to setting up custody agreements and spousal support arrangements that make sense for your unique situation. It’s enough to make anyone want to give up and deal with the stresses of marriage instead. Learn more about the divorce process with our helpful guide.

Legal Separation vs. Divorce

When couples decide to end their marriage, there are two common ways to do it through a legal separation or divorce.  Legal separation is when the couple agrees to live separate lives but remain legally married. It can be done through a written agreement or by court order.  Divorce is a more formal process where the couple divorces their civil union and unites in public law as two separate individuals. It can be done through a formal declaration, hearing, and alimony payments.

Orange County divorce attorneys can provide invaluable legal guidance through the divorce process. They can help you understand your rights and options and help build a case to get your divorce finalized as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you are considering a divorce, you must speak with an attorney. An attorney can provide guidance and support throughout the entire process, from beginning to end. They will work hard to ensure that your rights are protected and that the process goes as smoothly as possible.

When choosing an Orange County Divorce attorneys, one must consider their experience in divorces. Some attorneys have experience dealing with family law issues, while others may have broader experience in law. It is also essential to consider how much they charge for their services. In most cases, attorneys will charge a fee based on how much time they spend on your case. Before hiring them, this fee should be discussed so that you know what you are paying.

If you are considering a divorce, you must speak with an attorney with experience working with family law issues. An experienced lawyer will be able to guide you through the entire process, from beginning to end, ensuring that your rights are always protected.

Divorce Process Steps

Divorce can be a complex process, but with the help of an experienced attorney, it can be done successfully. Following are some steps you should take to prepare for your divorce:

Step 1: File the Divorce Petition

Call a family law lawyer who will be able to help you draft and file your divorce petition. Child support lawyers deal with divorces almost exclusively and can help you ensure your rights are protected.   


Once your petition is filed, you and your spouse must attend an information session about divorce. This session will teach you about the steps involved in getting divorced and provide resources for dealing with common issues that may arise during the process. 

Step 2: Request Temporary Court Orders

A temporary court order is an official document filed in family court outlining custody agreements and support payments. If you and your spouse have agreed on an interim order, you can file for it by requesting that a judge approve it at your temporary orders hearing.  If your situation is complicated or contentious, request to speak with a child custody lawyer before requesting temporary orders. Your attorney can guide you through obtaining these documents and prepare you for mediation or negotiation with your spouse.

Step 3: File Proof of Service

If the divorce is finalized, you must file proof of service. This document confirms that the divorce was adequately served on your spouse. You can file this with the court or send it to your spouse directly. Paternity lawyers can help establish paternity, negotiate a settlement, and get child support. They can also help with custody and visitation matters.

Step 4: Negotiate a Settlement

If the parties cannot agree on their divorce settlement, they may need to go through a mediator or legal counsel. Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party helps the couple negotiate a settlement. In most cases, lawyers are not necessary and can be expensive. If negotiations between the couple fail, either party may file for divorce in court.

Step 5: Go to Trial, if Necessary

If you and your spouse cannot agree on a divorce, the court will step in. You and your spouse must go through a divorce trial during this step. The court will decide what should happen if you and your spouse can’t agree on anything during this process.  Each state has different laws when it comes to divorce trials. However, most trials last around two weeks. During the test, each party will have the opportunity to testify about their relationship. The court will also consider any evidence that either party submitted.  If both parties are unhappy with the trial’s outcome, they can file for a judicial review. Judicial review is an extra step the court takes if it thinks that one of the parties didn’t follow proper procedures during the divorce trial.

Step 6: Finalize the Judgment

If you and your spouse have agreed on all of the issues in your divorce, you’ll need to sign the judgment document. This document sets out the terms of your divorce and is final.


Should I Hire a Divorce Attorney?

It’s hard to think about divorce, let alone it. But if you and your spouse are considering a separation or divorce, there are some things you need to know. This guide will help you navigate the legal process and find the right attorney for you.


Divorce is a tricky thing to go through, but with the proper preparation, you can make it as smooth and easy as possible. After reading this article, we hope you understand the overall procedure of divorce. We have covered everything from filing for divorce to getting the final statement. 

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