
The Best Productive Habits For Anyone To Have

With the fast-paced nature of today’s culture, it can be difficult to find time to focus on the things you really need to accomplish. Despite this, there are several habits that can really help you get more work done and feel less stressed in the process. Here are 10 of the best productive habits every employee should develop to be as efficient as possible at work and home.

Eat Breakfast

Have you ever heard that breakfast is a very important meal of your day? Well, it is! Studies have found that people who eat breakfast every morning are more likely to be successful at work. Also, studies have shown that those who regularly eat breakfast lose more weight than those who don’t. Even if you’re not trying to lose weight, there are many other benefits to eating breakfast every morning.

Become a Morning Person

One of the most common themes in productivity and life hacking advice is that you need to get more done earlier in your day. One of these pieces of advice is to become a morning person, whether it’s by waking up an hour earlier or simply starting your day before everyone else does.

Work in the Moment

Try to think about what you’re doing at each moment. Don’t let your mind drift off into the future or waste time thinking about past mistakes. Stay focused on what you can do right now to make yourself (and others) happier and more successful.

Use Post-It Notes

According to a study, people who wrote down their goals on post-it notes were more successful than those who did not. Although there’s no reason you can’t use a journal or other medium, using post-it notes is cost effective and convenient. Plus, it’s fun to look back at your old goals and success stories.

Organise with Baskets

Say you want to get a handle on your clutter. Rather than going around and picking up objects from your floor, place them in a basket. Have one for things that need to be cleaned, another for things that need to be repaired, another for items headed out of your home or office, and so on. It’s not just easier than sorting through mess—baskets are super portable and easy to store when they’re not in use.

Break Down Large Tasks into Chunks

Chunking is a key component of effective time management. Chunking up involves breaking down large, complex tasks into smaller and more manageable pieces. If you can complete one chunk at a time, it’s easier to remain focused throughout your task and avoid getting overwhelmed by what seems like an insurmountable mountain of work.

Avoid Multitasking

Despite what pop culture tells us, multitasking is not a good idea. In fact, it can slow down our productivity because it takes our minds away from what we’re working on—and thinking about one thing means we aren’t thinking about something else. So whether you’re a multi-tasker or not, avoid it as much as possible. Focus on one task at a time and you’ll save time in the long run.

Always Go To Bed Earlier Than Your Friends

Sleep affects your concentration, your mood, and your memory. If you’re more rested, you’ll be able to maintain that level of concentration longer into a day—in fact, one study found that people who slept just an hour more each night reported feeling less sleepy and fatigued than those who logged only seven hours per night.

Author Bio:

His experiences working for top brands like Unilever and Samsonite inspired him to write ‘The Rules of Work. Shivank set out to provide non-bullshitty, fact-based career advice that helps millennial workers get more opportunities and grow their careers faster. This blog is where he documents the daily challenges he and his colleagues face. Check him out on

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